
  • we are initi an audit of amtrak s inform technolog it disast recoveri and busi continu plan and readi our object is to assess the status and the effect of amtrak s it disast recoveri resili and busi continu capabl dure the audit we plan to work with it personnel and other compani offici to assess whether amtrak has identifi it high valu asset and critic system establish process polici and…
  • amtrak the compani own about 12 billion in real properti asset across the nation includ 96 station and 623 mile of right of way track the compani maintain more than 3 100 util account and spent more than 39 million in fiscal year fy 2016 for util such as electr and water to servic these asset from juli 2005 through januari 2017 the compani sold at least 42 properti for about 39 million includ…
  • the oper foundat program the program is a larg complex inform technolog it and busi process initi design to improv train oper and the movement of passeng it consist of a portfolio of 15 theme which are group of ongo and plan project the theme are design to modern specif busi process and tool primarili through the use of new or upgrad it system more than 80 percent of the workforc of amtrak the…
  • we initi an investig into alleg that a custom servic repres in indianapoli indiana overcharg an amtrak the compani custom and took the excess cash our investig confirm the alleg and found that the employe violat the compani s ethic conduct and conflict of interest polici and it standard of excel when she overcharg the custom and stole the excess cash on may 23 2017 the employe resign follow the…
  • we initi an investig after we receiv an alleg that an amtrak electrician in los angel california had a lengthi crimin histori and had fail to disclos it on his amtrak background investig form we found that the employe fail to disclos a crimin convict dure his hire process in octob 2014 as a part of his background check the employe certifi that he did not possess crimin convict and had not plead…
  • we initi an investig after we receiv alleg that an amtrak locomot inspector in los angel california fail to report his crimin convict to the compani while alreadi employ by the compani the employe plead guilti befor a california superior court to 11 feloni count of sexual conduct with a minor was sentenc to 36 month of formal probat and 210 day in custodi of the counti sheriff to be serv on…
  • we initi investig involv an amtrak the compani supervisor and subordin employe after an audit of the compani s payrol and overtim system reveal that the supervisor claim unusu high overtim hour in addit we receiv sever alleg about the subordin employe s involv with workplac safeti violat and time and attend fraud we found that the supervisor fraudul claim approxim 318 hour of regular and overtim…
  • the audit object was to assess the adequaci of control over equip purchas with arra fund includ control over the disposit of equip
  • we have complet our survey of the asset monet termin develop initi which we initi on april 5 2017 our object was to identifi area warrant further review that could help the compani improv the effici and effect of these key strateg initi we appreci the time and cooper provid by compani personnel particular real estat station and facil staff dure the cours of our survey base on the result of our…
  • we have complet our survey of the asset monet termin develop initi which we initi on april 5 2017 our object was to identifi area warrant further review that could help the compani improv the effici and effect of these key strateg initi we appreci the time and cooper provid by compani personnel particular real estat station and facil staff dure the cours of our survey base on the result of our…