
  • this report identifi our view of the top manag and perform challeng face amtrak the compani mani other inspector general are legisl requir to produc similar report focus on high risk or high impact activ and perform issu that affect program oper and the achiev of strateg goal those report have shown that period identifi and report these challeng to manag and other decis maker can help improv…
  • for immedi releas octob 2 2018 washington amtrak s offic of inspector general releas it biannual manag challeng report monday highlight eight area in which the compani may face challeng in fiscal year 2019 and 2020 the report titl amtrak top manag and perform challeng fiscal year 2019 2020 conclud that the compani made progress across each of the challeng area in particular the compani reduc oper…
  • mission the general counsel provides legal assistance and advice to amtrak office of inspector general (oig) senior management and supports audits, special reviews, and investigations. counsel coordinates with outside attorneys, including local and federal agencies and law enforcement attorneys, and appears in court on behalf of the oig and its employees.   colin carriere general counsel…
  • we are initi an audit of amtrak s multimillion dollar procur card program our object is to assess the effect of the compani s control in prevent and detect inappropri use of procur card includ potenti fraud wast and abus we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the audit dure the audit we plan to analyz document and data relat to procur card transact interview compani offici and review…
  • in juli 2012 we report on signific manag control weak in the compani s background check process for the employe it hire which the compani took action to address the purpos of this review was to provid an updat on the compani s background check process our object was to assess the effici and effect of this process for compani employe and contractor employe work in the compani we found that the…
  • vision, mission, and authority vision the amtrak oig will operate as a model oig, generating objective and sophisticated products that add value. utilizing modern infrastructure and effective support systems, and following efficient, disciplined processes that meet the standards of the accountability community, our diverse and talented team will work professionally with, but independently from…
  • west palm beach fla the medic director of a substanc abus treatment center in wellington florida plead guilti octob 18 2018 to unlaw distribut control substanc opioid barbitur and benzodiazepin accord to a press releas from the unit state attorney s offic southern district of florida kenneth rivera kolb m d 65 of largo pled guilti to one count of conspiraci to unlaw dispens and distribut control…
  • instructions for submitting a foia request general information the freedom of information act (foia), 5 u.s.c. § 552, permits any person to request access to federal agency records or information. federal agencies are required to disclose records upon receipt of a written request, except for records that are protected from disclosure by nine exemptions or three exclusions specified by the act.…
  • west palm beach fla smart lab llc and the corpor s chief execut and chief oper offic were sentenc nov 1 2018 for their particip in a multimillion dollar health care fraud scheme that involv the file of fraudul insur claim form and defraud health care benefit program accord to a press releas from the unit state attorney s offic southern district of florida h hamilton wayn a k a hawkey 40 of palm…
  • we are initi an audit of the compani s process for provid reimburs ancillari servic such as the mainten engin and capit improv servic provid to freight and commut oper on a reimburs cost basi our object will be to assess the extent to which the compani is effect and effici manag these servic includ the process and control relat to identifi the full cost of and bill for these servic our scope will…